Thursday, December 24, 2020

While waiting for my system components to arrive, thoughts on CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077

Just some thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077, nothing all too coherent.

One disappointment was CDPR's inability to actually publish adult content in a game rated for adult content.  In a world where what is and isn't human is a major concept, the boundary between gender, sex and such becomes fluid and not something you can pin down.  Like in The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, they have shied away from explicit sexual content, which is a disappointment, though a minor one.  I expected all sorts of strangeness on the romance front and, instead, found it bland.  Still a couple of touching stories as far as I've gotten and some good characters.  A minor quibble, just expecting a bit more courage from the company.

Going on the transhuman theme, I also expected how much cyberware you had would start to rule out some conversation paths and decisions, while opening up new ones, which could offer different story consequences.  While the interaction with NPCs does center around missions and the main story, even there I would have expected some differences to start creeping in on the PC's attitude and options you might have gotten when you were less modified would not be available as you got more heavily modified.  A real missed opportunity to apply the core theme of the genre to game play.  You might get some really snazzy arm-blades, but what does that mean in your attitude towards the rest of the world and the people in it?  The transition from human to enhanced human to cyborg to robotic body as a life support system for a heavily cyber enhanced brain should be something players experience, not just get in the conversation of others.  How you perceive the world should change slowly as the number of modifications increase.

Between these two concepts, the idea of what is and isn't human should be a prime focus of play, allowing the exploration of these concepts in some depth.  There are entire gangs that have various ethos based viewpoints on what is and isn't allowable for them so they can retain their image, their character and how unique they are, and how modified or not you are should allow some rapport with them.  Most of the crime takedowns are bland, and have no real flavor to them, beyond what we experience as opponents.  Experiencing it from the inside or having sympathy with them should allow some changes in what is going on during the game.  The gangs sponsored by corporations, they don't get much say in how they operate, but the independent gangs do, and they should offer a spectrum of possibilities not just in how you deal with them, but in missions and even new story lines that might offer different alternative solutions to problems in the main story.  And as some gangs will require modifications as a price for entrance, how would those enhancements change your attitude towards the rest of the world?

That story has some major holes in it, and in trying to flesh them out the holes don't get smaller but larger.  Also there are far too many decisions removed from the player which restrict player agency.  There should be consequences to actions, yes, and yet there are a couple of them that show up right after the big first mission that would have been interesting.  I get it that this is a sequence on rails and that demonstrates poor writing for the main story.  Given the nature of what is stolen and your automatic decision to take it from your dead partner, the idea of leaving it with your dead partner is one that would have extreme ramifications for the rest of the story.  Which would have a major re-write in order, of course, but would allow the player more agency.  In fact that would allow for actually getting to know the person you've only seen in cut-scenes and have only had one mission with at the start of the game.  Building a relationship with him should be a prime part of the story, not just given a nodding 'you are good friends and go on missions together' and then nothing much else.

Similarly I do understand the decision to remove weapons or equipment at certain points of game play, not that I like it all that much, but then you are given an instant crafting system to start replacing what was taken if you have the design schematics and skill.  Strange, that.  It's like you were supposed to rush ahead on the mission and not take any time to get used to the world.  If you don't play with those expectations, then you will get different results.  Perhaps they should have rethought that.  Offered alternatives.  Or offered other forms of player agency to take care of such situations.  If your cover is that which covers arms and their use, then having them shouldn't be a major problem, even if kept in a quarantine.

Given that it isn't impossible to get up to the object being stolen in the main story, and that, with the right equipment you should be able to do it yourself, why isn't that an option?  After some familiarization I should be familiar enough with the problems and live on a tight time budget, which should allow the player enough time to get the goodies and go.  Truly if you are looking at the background of the game and being a Solo (which you can't be anything but no matter what sort of build you choose...sigh) then the option of DIY with your own wits and what the game hands you should be available. More on this, later.  The mission is fun, entertaining and only has a few minor bugs in it that can be compensated for.  But why not offer the opportunity of letting the player figure out their own way to do it?  That is part of what we were promised to lead your own life in Night City.  Plus, in this strange future of cyberware and body alterations, you can get a built in rocket launcher but not a built in grappling hook and nanowire arrangement?  What gives?

Sectioning of the city because you haven't advanced down the main story far enough is frustrating.  The 'You have no reason to go that way' or whatever the message is goes against the very idea of an Open World game.  I see it, I have the means to get there, and I want to see what it's like: that is reason enough for me to go there.  I got quite irked at these restrictions, and if they are there because I would get my ass handed to me by the gangs there, then let me make that decision on my own.  Really, I had problems with one gang takedown later when the world was opened up to me, but I used my skill and ammo to take down the members as they showed up.  Mind you I got rewarded in gear I could use...which goes against the idea of rewarding a player for playing well.

In fact seeing level gated gear really ticked me off.  Level gated gear in a single player open world RPG in 2020?  Really?  For the risks you take you get sub-par rewards for working hard.  You can't put that hat on, its for Level 20 characters, you scrub!  Right, I can't figure out how to wear a hat.  It is an irritant that needs to go, but that is part of my tail-chasing rant on armor, weapons and hit points.  At least they got one leg of that nailed down, but the other two are in need of fixing.

Clothing mods are a great idea!  Say, can I get any specialized clothing that has a built-in speed boost and then add in a stackable set of extra boosters?  The stacking of armor, however, makes anyone who takes the time to get the mods into a tank.  Against everything except the melee types, the huge amount of stackable armor can make you impervious to all sorts of firearms, not just pistols and SMGs, but all the way up to the sniper rifles the game has.  I don't mind it, really.  Can we get thrusters for our boots and hips, and make like Iron Man, too?  That would make for a lot of fun, though the gameplay would be horrifically unbalanced....which it already is.  So if you are going to over-do it at the get-go, why not go full over the top?  That would be a ton of fun and make for strafing rounds on gangs, while dropping grenades.  The options to game play it would open up are massive.

Oh, can I just drop live grenades and have them go off next to me.  Or wherever I drop them.  Throwing is fun and all, but running past people dropping grenades off and being immune to their effects just really sounds like a fun build.  Yes, overlapping with my previous material, but it can't be overstated how fun some of this would be.  Running at top speed and holding a long edged weapon out to the side, should offer distinct playstyles.  Speed kills, and if enemies barely have time to react to you speeding past them, well, that's their fault for not being fast enough.  And I would love to have a bow and arrow, all cybernetically enhanced and whatnot.  See Horizon: Zero Dawn for that sort of thing.  Planting remote signal controllers on people to mess with them sounds like fun.  Maybe even get piggy-back rides and do a Master-Blaster sort of deal.  Toss in speed mods for your temporary mount and soon, very soon, the idea of cavalry will be reborn.

On the NPC front, CDPR fumbled it.  That and NPCs generated and dissolved just makes for unimmersive game play.  Am I expecting every damned NPC to have a home, a job, a group they are associated with?  Truthfully, yes.  My earlier examination way before the game came out put in the concept that the idea of so many NPCs having interesting lives didn't have to go to full character sketches for each of them.  Just the opposite, and the Crusader Kings II game demonstrates just what a thumbnail sketch of life experiences can do for added realism.  This would require so many buildings that you can't get into actually have some sort of procedurally generated interior that would be locked for your game, yes.  When I scan someone and get their name and them being a resident of Night City, well, can I get their address?  Get to meet them?  

Really I'm not talking full side-quest and romance or loyalty mission stuff here, but maybe able to get to know someone associated with one of the smaller gangs or small companies, and looking for an entree with them to experience a bit more of Night City.  People are supposed to be the major part of Night City and how it ebbs and flows over not just a day or week, but over years and decades.  I'd like to get to meet some of these denizens outside of work.  Go to the bar and share a drink that I can see, not just get it from a trade menu.  Maybe even chat up the bartender and get them familiar with what I drink?  Ditto some of the sit-down food vendors where you can't sit down.  If someone like that with minimal but world friendly background who you could get a minimal conversation and get to know is knocked off by some gangbangers getting their jollies off, well, they might be due a visit.

Gangs have structures, even the most psychotic of gangs has a structure behind it.  Knocking off street thugs, that's one thing.  Going after the local boss representatives, the Lieutenants in a gang, that will hinder operations.  Gangs should have a Street Rep, too, and if a damned Solo Merc is taking them down, knocking off Lieutenants and generally doing a major number on them, then I expect that gang to react and their Street Cred to drop when the reaction doesn't stop that Merc.  Other gangs should try to muscle in on that territory...of course they might find the Merc has time for them, too.  This should start both of them losing Street Cred, yours would go up, the police would respect you, might even deputize you, and give you a freer hand to operate.  A Merc who is just alone, taking down major gang operations, is someone to be feared when the retaliations don't stop them.  Heck, I expect there to be attempts to bribe that Merc, soothe them...I mean start pulling out the stops when its obvious that the Top Boss is getting to be in the cross-hairs.  And when a corporate sponsored gang finds their sponsor getting hit and taken apart, well, talk about chaos. But as it is I can get rid of a major under-boss, two Lieutenants and the gang has no reaction whatsoever to a large section of their command structure being ripped out in under 5 minutes.  What gives?

The criminal ecosystem needs to be dynamic, responsive, pro-active and face serious infrastructure problems not just when on the downhill side, but on the uphill side going into hostile territory.  The few places of gang-on-gang violence are static, pre-scripted and, ultimately, just a farming opportunity for XP and items.  No matter how much you do, it'll always be there.  That needs to change.  It doesn't need to be a complex system on the part of the AI, and no matter how complicated it is players will figure out how to game it, just like they do the current system.  On the NCPD side, murders should not go away.  Major criminal activity on the part of the player should not go away.  Unless you find some way to clear your name or otherwise make it up to the police.  Like through bribes, say.  Or some community work...boy, that would be interesting!  Tuck in some stories on rehabilitating cyberpsychos, or JoyToys or those addicts who took drugs that have no equivalent and are now stuck in a permanent state of trauma.  Solutions in finding drug makers, dealing with bad ripperdocs, finding leads to suppliers of bootleg dysfunctional cybernetics, and just spending time with a psycho to help him or her get in touch with their humanity would definitely improve the player experience.

It isn't hyperaction fun, no.  It shows the consequences of what happens in Night City.  Even better, if you have a clean record, you could volunteer to help...raising Street Cred and getting XP.  There is definitely room for the Good Samaritan in Night City.  Plus you might even get to team up with NCPD on major busts for places you found out about.  Like Gotham City, Night City will never be clean, never be peaceful and always have its problems.  Getting a handle on the problems, dealing with them, and figuring out what sort of denizen of Night City you will be...that is part and parcel of a good RPG.

Back to the social side of things, NPCs that you get to know can start to fill in templates of interests, and a few pre-made story interactions can be available for when an NPC hits all the criteria and kick off  a template driven set of quests about their background.  It doesn't have to be major and should be after a decent to long 'get to know you period' and you probably wouldn't have many of these in a given run.  But finding out the backgrounds of people, knowing them better, and helping them past their personal problems should be limited to just the high profile NPCs.  Night City, as mentioned above, has a slew of problems, and finding solution to a problem of someone you know could help in a very real way, get a player closer to life in the city.  Maybe they got hooked on some bad chems or have malware from an unidentified source, or are having cyberware problems, or they just can't find a cat food their cat likes.  Anything from missing friends/lovers/family members all the way to a few netrunners trying to brainwash people should be available based on what you've gotten from that individual's interests.  Sex and intimacy are nice, but not required.  Being able to crash overnight, and just get a sounding board for problems shouldn't take a hell of a lot of work, and I'd bet that a lot of the sound files in the game for NPCs have some of what is necessary already.  Not full on  loyalty missions, but something to add background and feeling to the people of Night City.  You might not end as lovers, but Friends With Benefits.

Procedural generation isn't always bad and in Night City it would help to keep the player aware that a new run is a new world.  Buildings, places and people they got used to are gone, its a fresh start, things you used to be able to do might have changed venue or are replaced with other things to do.  I don't mean I want Cousin Roman to be pestering me about bowling every time I turn around, but having a friend who you can meet up with for drinks, a nice dinner, and just chat about life to see if the relationship is going anywhere...that would be nice.  Pop the hood on Night City and show us how it works at the lowest levels, not the highest.  The entire ecosystem of people, places, events...all of that should be available and much, much larger than the criminal ecosystems which is just one part of the larger whole.

My main criticism of the game as far as I've gotten, is that CDPR was too timid in its approach, and too combat oriented.  And given that cyberwear exists to enhance people, not the other way around, the basis for working the systems in Night City should include the social ones, not just top level, combat ones.  Social engineering is just as important, perhaps even more important, than the stuff under Technology.  I'm sure that the blank stat/skill part for players will be filled with something that isn't social because of the main orientation of the game.  I like the combat, a lot.  But it isn't impactful on the game, but there as a flavor and means to help the player level up.  Everything you do or don't do should have some iimpact on the game.  New options can be put in through seemingly minor incidents, minor interactions with individuals, getting to know Night City should be the start of more and more options.

Respect the PC's background.  As a Nomad I found myself stuck with too few character conversations that had a Nomad point of view on things.  When a guy tries to talk down the Voodoo Boys because they are tribal, I wanted a retort that would let them know that I am a Nomad and I respect their tribal viewpoint.  Maybe not agree with it, but respect it.  Tribalism is bad in many ways, as it causes inter-tribal conflict.  People they don't trust need to gain their trust.  When that trust is gained, the group should respect those gaining it and the person gaining it let them know that they understand and appreciate the tribe they have just done jobs for.  Especially a major one.  Even when the tribe doesn't tell the truth, do a bit more than let them know I would have done it anyway.  Let a bit more of the Nomad Ethos show through.  I would expect similar, though different options, would be available on the other paths.

Respect the player and give them time to play through the actual part of getting established in Night City, and see the Street Cred never budge off  Zero that entire time.  Reduce experience, flatten the level curve to something where just getting established and getting that first point of Street Cred feels like a major accomplishment.  I get the structural and game design reasons for the apartment, yeah.  Yet each path should feature some unique way to move into that positiion.  As a Nomad I'm used to living out of the back of my vehicle.  Give me a place in a deserted parking garage, unused culvert, collapsed bridge, and I would be just fine with that.  A street kid would know alleyways, and make a safe haven for themselves someplace.  And a corporate type suddenly cut off from funds would need a really run down place to start with, maybe in an abandoned apartment complex, where they can leech off the media and pretend their prior life is continuing.  You got a gun, some junky clothes, a safe place to stay, a bit of food and water, and the ability to craft ammo: welcome to Night City.

One of the big things touted was that what you wear is just as important as what you do.  So where is that Street Cred booster in clothing?  Ripped out during design.  You were supposed to have another reason to be in Night City. That went the way of the clothing stuff.  You were supposed to have a form of personal credo and attitude, where is that?  You are supposed to be able to get to know Night City.  Yes, please?

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game full of potential, stuck with a lot of forced material and few options at critical game-play junctions.  If you can get the arm-blades early, there is no reason NOT to do the Heist on your own.  And you have a unique set of tools to get out of it without going on rails.  Really, the way chosen is great for high risk, blood pounding action, but if you are a true thief, where is the challenge in that?  Get up unseen.  disable what you can disable, get the goodies, grab anything else of value and then make your way down as the alarms start to go off.  You are then on a high stakes getaway, exposed on the side of a building and doing your damned best to not get shot or even seen.  Pre-canned risks are fun and all, but if you step outside the script...or even listen in on the scripted events as they are playing out, you would have better options to escape.  No one else on the team as a liability.  Trying to get the goods out without damaging them should be a major challenge.  Actually being able to deliver the goods, intact, should be one of the most major jobs ever pulled off bey anyone and you are then being hunted down for one crime you didn't commit and another you did.  

That would be interesting.  A high-rise catburgler sounded like a lot of fun.  And when I heard there were air ducts to use, I thought, for sure, that this was going to be a solo job.  Being able to social engineer my way to the penthouse, that would have been nail biting and awesome.  Using those blades to claw my way up the concrete part of the tower, that would have been spine-tingling as you would see the long drop down to concrete if you fell. Being able to wear clothes with fall dampers, and jumping down to the helipad and hijacking a lift out of the tower.  That one job, alone, didn't need to be so heavily prescripted and even offer alternatives and different paths on the way out.  Having to salvage the goods as a shot up aircar falls into the ocean...well you would think that would be game over.  Realizing the goods are damage as you  safely head to the meeting point...yeah...decisions.  I mean, yeah, I get it, amateur shit-show of a Heist is what we have.

I do like the game, do not get me wrong.

It could have been so much more.  I hope that DLCs and modders can crack into the potential of Cyberpunk 2077 and start delivering the experience it promised.  It feels like something is seriously missing from the game, the story, and the Keanu Reeves centered story got plugged in and the gaps were filled in with glue.  I totally get that the main story has to be a centerpiece of the game, the jewel in the crown, as it were.  Where is the rest of the crown?  We got a few bits and pieces but it really doesn't even hold the centerpiece all that well and falls off the head because it doesn't go more than half-way around.  Systems can and should be tweaked and patched, and rightfully so.  

Putting in the Night City part of Cyberpunk 2077 so that it is more than just lots of empty buildings you can't do anything with along with lots of people you can't do anything, that isn't the Next Gen of gaming, just the last couple of generations warmed over.  I complained about this stuff for The Witcher III and Novigrad: so many people selling things, so few people you could buy from.  People calling you over that you can't interact with because that is just a line they get and don't have anything more for you.  I totally get that in TW3 you are the Protagonist, not the Hero.  It seems to be the same way here and I'm fine with it, really, save I haven't met the damned hero yet.  They did a stunning job of giving us an Antagonist in TW3 and turning the environment into the Villain.  Good job, that.  I can think of one person who *might* be a villain, or just a ruthless idiot, which can be hard to differentiate.  If so, I'm not impressed.  Well, I'll wait and see what happens a couple of weeks from now..

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Initial reactions to CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077

 This is a game I started to wait for when it was clear it was coming to the market 'any day now', and finally did drop a few days ago.  I am NOT even close to finishing a first run of the game but have gotten to the start of what I consider to be ACT II.  I am playing in a way probably not intended by the actual producers at CDPR, but is fully within what is allowed by the game.  But before that, I'll give some of my biases right up front.  

-  I absolutely suck at driving games, and driving in this game is part and parcel of the world built for the game.  Don't ever expect me to like a driving experience in a game because when I drive IRL I can have very good situational awareness just by shifting my eyes to the various console readouts and to the mirrors so I know where everything is as I drive.  The smallest of head tracking motions means that I'm always facing generally forward unless I need to do a lane change with an approaching vehicle in that lane or one that is nearby that is in the blindspots of a vehicle.  You can't do that in first-person mode in most games.  And the driving controls with keyboard and mouse are far, far too reactive to my liking due to the time compression the game does to present it in a fluid manner, and the physics of the vehicles involved.  I will not be singing the praises of driving in this game.  My bias.

- I like to think out situations and actually, you know, role-play. That means I will try some very harebrained ideas out just to see how I can fail at them.  As an example I had one task that involved a minor gang takedown on an overhead covered walkway, and while the police were fine with the job I did, I noticed that there was still one active, hostile device just above me.  So I would spend a good 4 hours of my life looking for any way to get to it.  Including getting on to a fire escape on a building across the street, and trying to find a rooftop that would let me drop down to the walkway.  Or trying to jump up to a broken part of the upper walkway.  Or looking for simple set of stairs to get to the outer connecting walkway just above the crossing one.  There probably is one, but I couldn't find it.  From this you will now know why I'm not rushing forward.

- There are enough systems to work with in this game so that I do try to find a way to integrate my player character's skills and capabilities to my advantage.  When I find none, then brute force techniques will be employed.  Some times brute force is the best solution to a problem when skills, local geography, and threat analysis can yield no better solution.  Stealth is a thing in this game, and I'm used to outdoor stealth, not confined places stealth.  It's an area I, as a player, need to improve on for this game.  I need better skills for stealth as a player, plus extreme patience analyzing patrol patterns and such.  There are lots of missions to achieve this, and they do require a high integration of one's personal and player character's skills to achieve.  Sometimes people do have to go down...stealthily. 

So you get to play the main character "V", male or female your choice.  I'm choosing XX for reasons of personal preference.  You can go with a basic start as Nomad (outside of Night City), Steet Kid (Night City denizen) or Corporate (high society that runs everything, aristocrats basically).  I went with freedom loving, honest Nomad.  My initial stats were to concentrate on Cool (grace under pressure, keeping your cool in tough situations) with 3 spare points, Dexterity at 2 points for those times you just have to sneak around, Technology at 1 point because, well, it is the future after all, and then a last point into Intelligence.  Basically a cool-heavy dexterous girl of the wastelands able to tinker with things and not of average intelligence.  Later you'll get to the point where your cybernetics system that has been installed in your body gets one new component and here is where I will be playing this character.  

What is pretty much required is the eye upgrade (and you presumably already had that replacement done with a low grade system before reaching that point), and the palm grip for getting weapon and other functional connections via those devices designed for it.  That feeds your Heads Up Display (HUD).  You also get the cyberware in your head that runs the system, and a jack that is available on your left arm.  I am allowed only to upgrade what is already installed or replace with better.  If it isn't installed it will not be installed voluntarily.  There is a rationale behind this: while it can make the body a highly effective system, you also lose some of your humanity getting each tiny bit more.  That is the entire basis for Cyberpunk: what is the dividing between human and machine?  In fact if this character could find a way to remove the entire system, get cloned eyes, and generally escape the implants, she would do that as this system allows for a level of violation that you just don't have with a standard, non-upgraded body.  The most radical thing you can do in a world like that is to NOT have these things implanted in you and prefer old fashioned separate electronics pieces... sort of like the Amish or the Buddhists in the 2077 world though willing to use retro-tech.  Going retro is radical.  And why can't I just use the handy ammo readout on the gun or simply count bullets?  Such is life, but that is a self-imposed restriction on this run, just to amp up the difficulty a bit.  As if I needed that.

As a Nomad your character starts out in the wastes (I'll use the proper Badlands infrequently as it feels more like a Wasteland from other genres) and I was able to hotwire the problem of my car, get in contact with the person who hired me to get something, and ran straight into the driving problems in this game for me.  Luckily, I could avoid the guy floating in the middle of the road, and make it to the tower where I had to use ladders to make a connection, then drove out to meet my contact.  I am so glad that roads are optional out in the wastes!  I got in contact with him, was able to manage to get to the border crossing, bribed our way in and switched seats because, well, combat in vehicles.  That's a thing in this game.  And I got to experience the supposed fun of leaning out the window to use a pistol on our pursuers.  Survived that, and then we got into town, he parked the car and then came the montage of 'you just got out of the minor tutorial section, welcome to your new home'.

It's a nice montage.  

I would rather have been playing through it, though.  It is a blur of people, a few names, a few types of operations the two of you went on and...then you start at home in your apartment and get to go to get some cyber implants put in.  After that is the 'getting to know Night City' part of the game where I decided to ditch the main story until I could figure out what play was like.  Things are... complex.  When I found out there were lootable containers and stuff just sitting around that no one objects to my PC taking in the environment I got into being a scavenger.  This is a mode I use for multiple RPGs and since some of this stuff has no weight but does have value...well...time to see what the world provides.  I also ditched the car.  After taking it to the ripperdoc, I left it in the parking space.  Wasn't mine, anyways, but my partner's.  I promised to meet up with our fixer, but...that would be days and days away.  I decided to get to know the basic game mechanics as they worked out on the street and in buildings.  I needed my character build to firm up, and the streets shall provide you with that.

Game Systems and Mechanics

A bit about the game mechanics and meshing between weapons, armor and hit points or health.  It seems like most modern RPGs want to give the player more HP on a level up, and this then creates the dilemma of everything scaling to the player and, thus, the weapons you used earlier are less effective now as everyone gets better armor and more HP, too, though with a ceiling on them.  So you get armor because you need it.  But to respond to the need for more damage output, the armor you got is no longer as effective after a level up as it was before.  Thus you need better armor unless you are so good at the game that you can play in a way that precludes that.  And the weapons you have need to be upgraded or replaced sooner or later, as everyone else has gotten a leg up on protection.  For most players this becomes a tail-chasing problem and game developers haven't done much to alleviate it.  Back in the old days of Chaosium games system you did have a solution: static HP, static weapons and armor stats, but the ability to improve skills.  Unfortunately the D&D systems which granted HP on level-up was more popular and that is reflected in gaming to this very day.  That still has a death-grip on gaming.  CDPR has tried to mitigate it, but the tail-chasing continues.  Perhaps it is beyond game developers to make a game with a static HP, Armor, Damage system based on expectations that 'git gud' means getting a bright, dazzling level up and more HP.

No one on the development front has tried to do that as players have come to expect that glorious level up moment where they are significantly stronger than just a few seconds before it.  The moment HP, weapon damage or armor capacity goes up, you are then in a tail-chasing problem.  CDPR has tried to address this by limiting HP, but increasing weapon damage and the need for armor that is better: you are always going to be squishy if you don't get better equipment.  Luckily they dropped the entire weapon and armor condition concept which doesn't work well with the tail-chasing system.  As an example, I didn't know that there actually WAS a condition system in The Witcher III until after my first full playthrough.  How did I miss it?  Well I was having to upgrade my equipment and weapons so often that it never became a problem in the first place.  And once I did know the system was there... well I so rarely used it that it brought into question the concept of 'condition' for equipment in a tail-chasing system.  So kudos for making people still feel human under all that gear and built-in cybernetics and getting rid of condition for equipment!  If you could nail down the other two parts, then equipment condition could be brought back in a sensible manner: your good equipment will always be good, but you will have to work to maintain it.  They got that maintenance problem handled on upgrading weapons, but if that was changed to just maintaining them, then the world wouldn't have to be so loot based, and actual repair kits could be purchased for those not taking any crafting skill.

Not so much for adding a tail-chasing system into the game, though.  A 'legendary' piece of gear won't hold out for more than a couple of levels without improvement and some of the materials needed are ones you will just not find without breaking down similar gear or waiting until mission rewards start to offer them.  For a bit I had to upgrade my Technology stat and put perk points into automatically breaking stuff down for passive low amounts of XP and turning stuff with weight into weightless components.  You can buy components, but you'll go broke doing that and some you will not find in stores, early in the game. The crafting system is a real sink for resources if you get into it, and its vital component of a Nomad run, I think, since so much of their society depends on fixing what's left.  It's not bad as crafting goes, and the ability to add modifications to existing equipment later in the game is a real way to address character build deficits. 

The hacking system, including the minigame for breaching systems feels...adequate.  I would have expected that there would be a tiered system of automated and cybernetic equipment, that would remove the minigame once you got past a level requirement of skill (not stat) for that tier.  Getting to a higher tier means not having a minigame for the lower tier stuff.  Like all unlocking minigames its tedious... adequate, sure, but tedious.  How you get components and cash from a successful hack is beyond me as that is just magic.  Still it is one of the very few magical things going on that isn't well explained, and other games in other genres have done far, far worse than this.  And I assume things get better with higher skill and perk unlocks under the Intelligence stat.  Too bad I'm trying to be a Cool Technologist that can sneak around pretty well.

Perks are under stats, and its a nice system.  Perks were once, long ago, minor RPG mechanics to give a kudo to a player for getting to a certain level.  Now perks are a basic part of replacing a numerical skill system (reflecting background dice rolls and percentages) with snazzy systems that don't tell you what your actual chances of doing something are.  So tiers of perks are unlocked by a higher stat for that perk tree, though you can pick anything available, so that's a plus.  I'm not fond of the perkification of skill systems, perhaps modern players don't have room for numbers in their playstyle, and perks are a handy way to hide an actual skill system.  With a tiered unlocked perk system replacing skills, then there should be choices to get around some of the lower level checks entirely.  They can be mitigated, but never removed.  Have fun with minigames to proceed, YMMV.

The game system utilizes these stats and perks to address the actual game environment which is huge.  And, by actually role playing someone who isn't comfortable with driving in the city, I found that the design of the game and its rewards become evident through exploration on foot.  I did this just to role play, mind you, and started doin wind sprints, jogging at my normal rate, and then sprinting down a long sidewalk, then back to a jog.  After doing this for a bit, I was rewarded with a tiny bit of experience for using my Athleticism, it wasn't much but it was there.  If you enjoy jumping and climbing and clambering on crates, scaffolding and such, I found there is a hidden Acrobatics skill that I got some XP for using.  

For those used to the older Bethesda games, this is a way of rewarding the player for role playing by using their skills.  The same is true for sneaking around and stealth, though the world size is so big its hard to justify the amount of time doing it to get those rewards because you ae slow when sneaking.  Not good for long streets.  The game keeps track of what you are doing and rewards you for good role play, but in a very subtle and minor way.  Now if I could actually see these skills advancing because of this...or even devote some level up to them...ah, but that would add complexity to the perk system.  So you aren't told directly about these skills but they are there.  I would hope that doing wind sprints would not just up my stamina but also reduce the rate of stamina drain for physical actions.  Similarly I should be able to jump just a little farther and do soft landings from low falls with acrobatics.  I have no idea if this is happening, but it seems like it is.

This is an excellent way of melding the perk system with role play, and it is much appreciated.  The more you properly utilize your character build, the more you interact with the environment, the more you try to find out just what it is you can and can't do, you will be slowly, but surely, rewarded.  The game system does this silently and unobtrusively for the most part.  If you follow what the procedure is for post take-down cleanup, you will get rewarded a little a time.  In game skills that are not highlighted are there, and the more you do the better you get.  You 'git gud' by playing your damned character, and if that means tossing bodies into dumpsters after a mission, so be it.  And if you want fewer of the enemy to show up, you can do that in combat and stop unaware enemies from finding out their friends are gone.  Still, do it after a mission and you do get benefits.  Role play...if you don't care if the places you leave are littered with bodies, then you can expect the police to come and check out what happened and if you go back, they may want to take YOU down as the perp of a crime.  Lovely, no?  

And the best part of the hidden skill system is that you can get a free perk point when you level one up.

The Streets Shall Provide

It pays to use your cyber scanning capability, and to go after any item with a couple of dice above it which indicates randomized loot is available.  No matter your build you'll need that stuff for cash, crafting or for use in keeping your body going during combat.  Plus you can find lots of goodies as randomized loot, including better weapons and gear.  I became a studied looter and was clearing out entire blocks of the city at street level of their loot.  Got tons of missions to ignore, and that is part and parcel of the problem of missions being handed out... there needs to be a better system than this.  Still I got a chance to figure out how to take down better armed and armored people this way!  But only with good loot.  One of the earliest perks in the Technology tree is that of automatically breaking down loot into components.  If you are doing any crafting, this means you get low level components for free.  If you aren't, then there are plenty of drop off points where you can liquidate your inventory for small amounts of cash.  I recommend a low level of crafting for everyone, and even some basic stuff you can make is quite valuable, so you can turn a few bucks of loot into tens or even hundreds of bucks of items to sell.  Plenty of junk to loot in the world.  The Streets Shall Provide you with everything you need, really.

And that goes for experience as well.  As I've outlined, you get experience at small amounts for everything you do, and that includes the auto-breakdown of junk to components.  You are rewarded for crafting and that skill will level up slowly as you break stuff down or you craft new stuff, or as you update older equipment.  You can find or buy weapon schematics, and The Streets have provided my character with quite a few of those.  With a decent Intelligence you can unlock all your basic cyberware for hacking as things you can make to install on your firmware deck. And, yes, there are different skill levels for crafting, acrobatics, athleticism...and who know what else, and it is worth getting to them as some obstacles can be circumvented with a skill, not just Stat.  Of course you might not have enough of any of those, but, that is life, and CDPR usually leaves workarounds.

There is so much street crime by gangs that the police can't handle it all, and that is where Mercs come in and you are a Merc.  A Mercenary taking contracts, or not, to do missions, and street crime can be an instant mission as soon as the police put out the alert of one near you.  Most of those are small time affairs, but there are some big ones, real big ones, hidden behind those alerts.  At low levels it is necessary to think about your PC's skills and abilities and your own playstyle, and figure out how to get them done.  I had initially thought of a pistol/rifle build aiming for a sniper weapon later on down the line as it is a crafting recipe.  But a few times I started doing the mental calculations on enemy reload time and my own rate of travel.  Thus it became Katana Time.  I don't do melee builds.  No, really, the last and least satisfying way for me to play is melee.  As I did pre-order I got the Black Unicorn weapon in my inventory and it took up the rarely used Slot 3 in my weapons.  Once, during a fight I was switching between weapons and...there it was.  Enemies taking a long time to reload, distance not that far away, so it was time for the mad dash forward and swinging wildly.  That was one of the hardest early ops I had and it was taking down some Netrunners who had...well...not factory authorized limbs they were pushing.  I hated having my system hacked into and having to heal near constantly and guns just wasn't doing it.  The Black Unicorn was in my hands and I thought 'screw it, this might be too hard at my low level, but I'll give it a shot'.  Brute Force Was Used.  Worked, too.  Yeah one of them was cowering trying to use equipment to hide and yet peak out enough to hack my systems, but when I finally tracked her down, she pulled out a pistol.  I was less than two feet from her.  She never had a chance.  Thus the wild-swinging Katana build as back-up to stealthy gunplay was born.

I don't do melee style builds, I don't do stances, combos, power attacks unless by accident...nope.  My problems with automatic fire weapons is spread of fire.  I need to hit a target multiple times and that often can't be achieved at even medium range.  Burst fire is very good for that.  Even better is right on top of someone and swinging a melee weapon quickly.  Speed Kills.  Later on I would just do some bull rush tactics of sprinting in before an enemy even knew I was coming at them...and have gotten the fun of taking down people who should be far, far better than me at martial arts melee than I am by not letting them get a chance to show it to me.  Just don't hit those red canisters as they are all splodey, best to shoot those at long range.

The lesson learned: Learn to Adapt your playstyle.

One cute one I noticed under the Technology perks is not taking damage from your own grenades.  Yes, running in and just dropping grenades seems to be a feasible playstyle in this game.  Who knew?  Sounds like fun, of a sort.  Just pay attention to the red splodey stuff.

And speed.  Yes, speed without cyber implants is possible.  There is a mod for clothing that has a mod slot that increases movement, and I've seen it at 10 and 13.  There are no qualifiers to that whatsoever.  Start sprinting down long, open stretches of sidewalk, get your Athletics skill up and soon, very soon, you will become a low budget Flash.  Speed Kills.  I don't know if the effects stack, but if they do... well... you might become the fastest person without cybernetic augmentation that anyone has never seen.  In theory, holding a bladed or blunt weapon out while sprinting past someone might be enough to take them out.  That was a thing with cavalry and sabers back in the day.  I have no idea if that works.

The advantage of high speed on foot is exploration of the Night City at a faster rate than without mods to clothing.  You still get slow boosts to your Athletics skill, so its worth doing.  I didn't come to Night City to do the story...I know, that's a shock, right?  I mean I ditched the main story right from the start to get a playstyle and find things out.  I wanted to see what CDPR has spent so long in making as they are known for a decent level of detail in their games.  That, alone, is worth the price of admission.  Every district, every block, every building feels like it belongs there, and the differences between a low-end retail area now being a place for homeless and that blurring into adjacent industrial works very well.  Neighborhoods have their own visual style, but it isn't in your face.  You learn to discriminate between the districts and the neighborhoods within them, and see who moving from one neighborhood to another, one district to another, changes the dress of the people, the look of the buildings and the flavor of the environment.  Yet the buildings right on the border all fit together, and only the true shipping areas lack that, though they are well patrolled as those are true corporate holdings.

Your HUD gives you a minimap, but your best bet is to learn the streetwise skills of identifying landmarks, telling what sort of neighborhood you are in and then navigating via what you know about the area.  In the digital age this on the ground sort of streetsmart navigation is being lost.  Yet if you gain it you'll start to notice things that beg to be explored, alleys that you think should connect areas, stairs that go places you haven't been to, and you are rewarded by finding shops, randomized loot, and, of course, gang activity.  You can provoke or not, depending on how you feel, and I've run through gang areas so fast they had problems even realizing I had been there.  Now toss in climbing up crates, balancing over beams, jumping across spaces and you begin to get a real feel for Night City that you won't get depending on you Map and minimap.  Forget the missions, take in the landscape from Downtown to Badlands, and see how it all works together.  Because it does work together and you can start to feel how the flow of goods and people go in Night City.  I still haven't figure out how to get to the elevated monorail system, a good 20 stories up.  And the subway is just a fast travel point, which is disappointing as I was looking forward to subway tunnel investigation.  While no one really likes sewers, I would like to see what the secrets of Night City are that the corporations have literally buried.  To me, finding a manhole cover I could open would offer an entirely new way to get around the city, and find its secrets.  At the speed of a low budget Flash, true, but I can jog!  Life is too short to walk down the sidewalk.

Sadly most of the buildings are window dressing, with no real inside.  I know this after having my sole dropping through terrain glitch and looking up as I surfaced under the city.  Yeah, not much to render from under the surface of the city, and I was lucky to find a ramp that extended down enough so I could take it up and pop magically to the surface.

Bugs, Glitches, Irritations and Oddities

I have one quest that is bugged out, but its a sidequest, and not a major one.  I triggered the triggers, did what was necessary and...nothing.  I know it works because I had set it off earlier and know the procedure and went to a save before that to go out and do something else for a few weeks.  Its a higher level thing that I just couldn't take down due to level differences.  It happens.

People and vehicles pop in and out of being even as you look at them or the empty space they appear in.  I'll pretend that its just a glitch in my cyberware!  Though the vehicles are the worst.  I've seen this en mass with vehicles far away in the distance, and see their headlights on the road as they are coming towards me, and then they disappear one by one, never arriving.  Perhaps an advanced form of Fast Travel for the masses?  That isn't bad.  The truck that pops into being just as you are crossing the street... yeah, I could do without that.

NPC voice files not playing on phone calls or in meetings face to face.  The latter I can get subtitles for, but there is no real animation going on for the NPC.  A reload of a save can fix this.  For phone calls, I've found myself choosing blindly and having to intuit what the conversation actually is.  This not good, to say the least.

Loot icons showing but not being able to loot the object.  For a couple of instances this might be due to the model glitching through the terrain just enough to make it not lootable.  Nothing mission critical has had this happen to it, but I've seen it happen to dropped weapons and since part of the cleanup after a mission is typically getting rid of the weapons, that is a minor concern.

You care properly rendered for lighting effects, which means you have a shadow.  My shadow has had a T-Pose, later it was missing below the waistline and my hat has hidden my hair in the in-game mirror/make-up area.  This needs some tightening up, obviously, but is a low priority.  I mean in TW3 Geralt may be extremely light on his feet, but stairs are his nemesis.  At least I'm not falling down the stairs like he did!

The crime system needs something.  Once I've started clearing out an area, I expect that the gangs I've been taking down will have some real morale problems, especially as my Street Cred goes up.  And radiant crime is just... it needs something.  I do expect some push-back, yes, and if I'm able to push those out, then a gang should be facing real, long-term problems.  But it has been noted that in full Katana mad dash mode, the criminals are starting to call me a Cyberpsyco, which does bring a smile to my face.  And here I am without any real nasty augmentations, just fast clothing.  That and the puree effect must have something to do with it.  But, really, once I've cleared all the major crime out of a district, I expect gang members to start having a real bit of fear showing up. The ones who are psychotic, well not so much, but even they should know that their own self-induced psychosis is being outmatched by someone with a purpose who has chopped up most of their gang and shows now sign of stopping.  Crime needs a re-work, especially if I take out higher level functionaries of the gang.  I would expect some splintering, in-fighting and general chaos to start showing up when the rank and file are having to depend on people who no longer know nor care much about them even further up the food chain.  At possibly getting contracts from splinter groups trying to remove the original group.

Stealth needs something.  I can't place my finger on it, but it needs something.  Perhaps I'll need to do a bigger investment in Dexterity.  Or a better selection of alternate paths?  The Mission Critical ones have them, at least so far as I've found.  But stealth needs a next level beyond Hitman mechanics of watching patrol patterns and marking things that move that can see (robots, people, etc.).  Maybe something like a cyberchaff silent grenade or gas that makes areas temporarily unable to be scanned but leaves no smoke to be seen.  Or an actual stealth field with soft-cushion mod on clothing, to complete a silent, sneaky passage.  It feels so medieval to rely on older methods of stealth.  I can work with it but I expected something more.

Once you get to Act II, why does everyone and their brother want to sell me car or motorcycle?  I'm sprinting fast enough to keep up with some cars as it is.  Out in the Badlands, sure, I can see it because where I want to go there aren't no roads.  But I'm there to see everything which I can't do from a car or motorcycle.  Sure I'll find areas of Bethesda levels of models that should be at ground level floating in mid air, who cares?  I like to explore in Open World games, often more than actually going through the plot.  So can I let it be known by my Street Cred that I don't want a vehicle?  I got my crappy Nomad car back and its mostly going to sit out at a camp there because I have no use for it, either.  And I'm happy to ride shotgun!  Plus I don't have the money for a car or motorcycle.  I am in a continual rich to poor to rich to poor cycle just trying to keep my equipment up to date.  So, please, I know it is a major part of the lore and setting, but is there any way to turn it off?  Or at least stop people from sending me notices of this sweet ride they have until AFTER I meet them and get to know them?  Most of my message log is back up with this stuff.  If I wanted a cool ride I would have bought one already.  Instead I'm trying to find clothing too fast for my own good.  Priorities!  I should be able to go through someone who knows someone sort of deal to get a car, truck, motorcycle, etc. and that would feel organic to me.  I'm not rich enough to afford them and they are just sitting in my backlog of stuff I don't have time to do.

Plus can I put in a message to people with an 'urgent mission' and let them know I'm busy ATM? Fixers need to be fixed, more in the veterinary way. There are some places where I was just jogging, sprinting, whatever, down the street and I couldn't go 50' without getting 3 missions...or 2 missions and a deal on a car...sounds like a game show, actually.  Please?  Pretty please?  Get a message on someone needing me to steal something, then someone wanting someone else rubbed out, then a car, then a mission of search and destroy, then a cyberpsycho to be taken down non-lethally, and how about a motorcycle, eh?  Right, I'm tempted to start taking THESE people out who are annoying the hell out of me, especially as I'm headed to an organized crime takedown.  I should never, ever, get 3 missions from one fixer in 50'.  Period.  And how about these sweet wheels?  I am busy exploring the damned city and slicing criminals up, could it wait a bit?  Let everyone know the types of mission that ARE up my alley and those that AREN'T... in generally I'm not into the personal vendetta style missions.  Just, no.  Theft?  Ah, well my stealth skills aren't what I'd like them to be, so no.  Now a criminal gang leader that needs to be taken out either via puree or ballistics, that I'm up for. Search and rescue, generally OK, but situational.  I've got more missions than I can ever complete and this game is a completionist's nightmare.  Go racing!  My driving skills suck.  Have a shooting contest? we get living targets?  Sit back and have a chat about a know, I can make my own ammo and its the lowest and cheapest of components so, how about no and you'll get to live?  The car thing starts in  ACT II, but the huge number of messages I got just walking around, that was there when I was still trying to get my playstyle to firm up while not touching the main mission.  My mission backlog stretches all the way back to that and the only thing longer than those side missions is the vehicle offers.  Once I get some decent stealth going on I'll then tick that 'No Thanks' off on my phone, THEN you can hand them to me and not one second before.

Some views on my playthrough

There are some story plot holes, I won't go into those.  I never got to go on a real mission out on the streets with my partner, and that makes the main story less satisfying.  That is why I would have liked to play through that year and a half: I have no real connection as a player with these people, and it takes time to actually learn about them.  Most of the characters that are important are just fine, and those you can get a deeper connection with have well drafted and executed back stories.  Not all of them hang together all that well, sometimes, but there is enough there to show some real care and attention was paid to those few people who really matter.  The plot critical decisions would make a much bigger deal if I got to know those on the decision path a lot better.  A high end job from an old Big Time Fixer who has been off for a couple of years just doesn't mean much to me as a player.  I just have to take the guy at face value, and that's...well there is nothing there so I just have to go by how I'm playiing my character.  Honesty and Freedom are touchstones of the Nomads, and that means First Come, First Serve...with the exception being a Friend in Need as you will go through Hell, High Water and anything else that gets in your way to help a friend.  Double deal with me, backstab me, change an arrangement without talking with me and you will not like the results.  Do it at a critical juncture and I know you are untrustworthy in the extreme.  That will lose me some people I like, but am not a friend with them, sometimes fatally.  Such is life.  A deal is a deal, and if you want to take the cards up to deal them to your favor I'll either walk away or flip the table over and let you know how I feel, personally. 

I get the entire cyberpsychosis thing, and even how cybernetics can give an individual blinding fast speed for a fraction of a second.  Totally get it.  It's the disturbing udnerside to the man/machine dividing line and many minds will break down due to high stress, like combat or police work.  It's a fine line to walk between being a thinking, caring human and an inhuman machine who puts little value on human life.  Yet the emotions and psyche are still there, under all the machinery, and it can and does snap.  When someone examining my few implants tells me they aren't up to snuff, well, good.  My character is one who isn't willing to do that leap and all the fancy upgrades are meaningless.  Once I can start having equipment that can see through walls and I can reach out and hurt them with a high caliber round, I've gotten just about everything I need, TYVM.  As a Nomad I would think that I not only know how gear can be stripped down and repurposed, but what can go wrong with it.  The more complex the system, the more that can go wrong and cause it to fail.  Cybernetics are necessary, but the failure state of doing this to a person isn't in the equipment but the mind.  Staying free, keeping your identity, and generally not going bonkers are high on the priority list.  And the main story of the game doubles and then triples down on this. The mind is not an easy thing to fix, so keeping it is the top priority.

ACT II puts all of that into play, and the deadlines I do take seriously, though I know they are gameplay incentives.  You can't get through life alone, and that means finding friends, maybe even family.  But I'm a Nomad who left for a reason, and that was about my group joining a larger one and losing their identity.  If I feel strong enough to leave at that point, then I will be real careful about such things in the future.  Being self-outcast, self-exiled, I don't give that freedom up easily nor cheaply.  Yet through it all, Friends get priority, even if it kills my character.  I wasn't looking for a love life and there can be no promises on this plotline, and pure horrors are ahead.  Thus I need to be good enough to get through the trials that await.  And when I saw that my local gun dealer had a sniper rifle in stock in ACT II, I started to feel right at home.  All is well as sniping must be a Nomad priority, given the vast empty distances of the Badlands, the wasted lands, the forgotten lands where the law is that of Nature and She is always with us.

At this point my GTX 1080 graphics card bit the dust (and on later examination it was my motherboard's chipset reading the PCIe slots that went under...the diagnostics on the motherboard told me that on further inspection).  Waiting for a replacement to arrive.  It served me well for a long while, but all things will eventually fail. (So, yes, new motherboard,CPU, memory, and have a new graphics card which helped in the diagnostic procedure.  At 5+ years old, and a couple of generations behind when I got it, I am not surprised that the MTBF caught up with it.)

At years end, what am I playing?

With my system back up I am now back to a varied play list of games.  In no particular order: - Crusader Kings II - Really, it is the best g...